nr-Jahreskonferenz 2012
DigiTal der Ahnungslosen: Recherche jenseits von googeln und mogeln
Ides Debruyne

Director Pascal Decroos Fund for Investigative Journalism
Ides Debruyne is cofounder of the Belgian Pascal Decroos Fund for Investigative Journalism, the Dutch-Flemish Association of Investigative Journalists (VVOJ) and journalismfund.eu (The European Fund for Investigative Journalism). He is executive director of The Pascal Decroos Fund. He is the founder of "de Vlaamse Scriptieprijs" (promotes science communication) and "de Vlaamse Scriptiebank" (promotes open acces), wobbing.eu (promotes access to information), mediaonderzoek.be (promotes media research) and mediakritiek.be (online reflectionroom of the Flemish media). Ides Debruyne is lector at Ghent University (Belgium). He also delivers lectures on research journalism at several Flemish university colleges and universities. Debruyne was one of the co-organizers of the European Investigative Journalism Conference 2008 in Brussels and The third Global Investigative Journalism Conference 2005 in Amsterdam.