nr-Jahreskonferenz 2013

Bill Adair
Mod.: Hektor Haarkötter
Tag Freitag - 2013-06-14
Raum R4 Computerrecherche praktisch
Beginn 15:15
Dauer 01:00
ID 554
Track Recherche praktisch
Sprache der Veranstaltung englisch


How to do it yourself [in englischer Sprache]

Bill Adair, der Gründer von Politifact.com, wird etwas über die Geschichte seiner Factchecking-Plattform erzählen und Einblicke in die konkrete Arbeit geben. Diese Veranstaltung ist in englischer Sprache.

PolitiFact is the Pulitzer Prize-winning fact-checking website of the Tampa Bay Times. Created in 2007 to cover the U.S. presidential campaign, PolitiFact journalists researche political claims and rate them on the Truth-O-Meter from True to the lowest rating, Pants on Fire. In addition to the main website that fact-checks claims in national politics, PolitiFact has partner newspapers in 10 states that operate their own sites to fact-check claims in state and local politics. In May, PolitiFact opened its first international venture, PolitiFact Australia, which is fact-checking claims in Australian election.