Datum: Mittwoch, 13.11.2019 ab 19 Uhr
Ort: Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Robert-Havemann-Saal, Greifswalder Straße 4, 10405 Berlin
Gastgeber: Netzwerk Recherche und Hacks/Hackers

Das Treffen am 13. November versteht sich als Miniversion der Global Investigative Journalism Conference (GIJC), welche Netzwerk Recherche zusammen mit dem Global Investigative Journalism Network und der Interlink Academy for International Dialog and Journalism Ende September in Hamburg veranstaltet hat.


Zu dem Treffen in Berlin laden Hacks/Hackers und Netzwerk Recherche Referenten aus Berlin ein, um ihre aktuellen Projekte an der Schnittstelle zwischen Technologie und Journalismus vorzustellen. Als Referent*innen bereits zugesagt hat:

Olaya Argueso – Digital security: essential steps

Digital security does not come at the push of a button. But there are many things you can do to prevent attacks by not making yourself an easy target. In Olaya’s GIJC panel, she discussed risks that journalists and organizations have to consider and presented possible solutions.

Hristio Boytchev – Investigating health and medicine

From infectious disease epidemics to the pharmaceutical industry, from the quality of health care to fraud and fake drugs, covering medicine and health is a rich topic for investigative journalists. Hristio will give three take home tips for entering this interesting and challenging field.

Christine Liehr – Fundraising tips & tools (for freelance journalists)

Many freelancers and non-profits find it challenging to raise funds. Many fail to apply their own reporting techniques to finding donors or don’t understand how to create a fundraising or “development” strategy. There’s money out there, and our field continues to grow but you need to have a solid plan and a strong commitment.

Albrecht Ude – Searching the Deep Web

Search engines cover only a very small part of the Internet. Social networks are only partially covered by them, and the deep web, the “hidden web”, remains completely closed to them. But the deep web is by far the largest part of the Internet! Everything you can only achieve by typing something on the keyboard, a search query or a password, is part of the Deep Web. Search engines won’t be able to find it. Most (and often the most relevant) content on the Internet can be found in databases, closed forums and hard-to-reach areas like the “Darknet”. But how do you find them when search engines fail? That’s exactly what this the talk is about: Which tools and strategies are there to explore the “deep web” and find and use databases.

Markus Siegers – Introduction to nosconte

Berlins Start-Up NOSCONTE AG is experimenting with a new tool for crowdsourcing and information sharing. How do we address privacy of informants? What about quality and traceability of the provided information? Is “realtime” transparency of the collected information a plus? What other features could enhance participation of the crowd? How do we try to improve the contextualization of information?


Details und Anmeldung unter https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Hacks-Hackers-Berlin/events/266144428/

Hacks/Hackers ist ein weltweites Netzwerk, dass Journalisten und Entwickler zusammenbringt. Am 13.11. wird es von der Berliner Gruppe im Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte wie immer kurze Präsentationen zu aktuellen Projekten geben, aber auch genug Zeit zum informellen Austausch bleiben. Neugierige sind herzlich willkommen, es sind keine technischen Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.